Home / Sports / Scoring & TimingSNOA SCORING & TIMING
Welcome to the Scorers/Timers (S/T) unit of the SNOA. The S/T unit is open to persons wishing to score volleyball games and/or score / time basketball games. Once a member of the Scores/Timers (S/T), you are welcome to participate in both Volleyball and Basketball. You may also prefer to be a member of only one of the above. Scoring volleyball occurs during the fall season (girls) and spring season (boys). Scoring and Timing basketball games occurs November thru March, which is the completion of the middle school basketball season. Scorers should have four colored pens/pencils for scoring. Timers for basketball should always have a stopwatch for timing timeouts. All games are assigned through Arbitersports.com.
Eryka Gardner (Board Member)
Robert Jones (Board Member)
Eryka Gardner (Volleyball Assignor)
Robert Jones (Basketball Assignor)
Erika Gardner (Instructional Chair)